New Jersey Massage Continuing Education - The Science of Getting Rich Training
The Science of Getting Rich Training
with Val Fagan, LMT, BCTMB
Friday, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday, 9:30am to 6:00 pm
Sunday, 9:30am to 6:00pm
This course is not eligible for credits, $325
for all dates visit the Listing of Courses by Subject
You’re on this page because you care about becoming a great therapist and be righteously compensated for what you do, don’t you?
Do you know that your physical skills are not going to be enough to initiate a break through and a lasting career in massage? From day 1 as a therapist, we are exposed to the understanding of the body/mind connection playing a crucial component in developing a thriving practice, taking care of our clients, and continuously attracting new ones. Our mindset is where it all starts, “you are what you think you are” mentality. Developing a mindset and thinking in a certain way will not only help you face adversity but also prime you to welcome new opportunities in your career on and off the table.
Everything we want in our life to be, do, have and give: great health, meaningful relationships with partners, colleagues and clients, a comfortable home, great satisfaction at work and financial freedom, YES! All this starts with an idea.
AS A RESULT of studying and mastering this very specialized program in a 2.5 day Masterclass, you will:
- Set your massage practice on the fast track to lasting growth and demonstrat that true financial success and worthy clients will come to you in direct proportion to the definiteness of your VISION, the firmness of your PURPOSE, the steadiness of your FAITH and the depth of your GRATITUDE.
- Develop a prosperity consciousness that plants the seeds needed for you grow your clientele, land any job you want—or start a successful business of your own, if that’s what you desire.
- Accelerate your thinking shift in order to create abundant results.
- Move from limiting competition to lucrative creation with an abundant mindset.
- Get what is rightfully yours by giving others what is rightfully theirs.
- Choose thoughts to create plenty in your life.
- Become so good at what you do, that people can’t ignore you or replace you.
Your Instructor, Val Fagan, has been a Board Certified Massage Therapist for 20 years with a couple of independent massage practices in the Colorado ski resorts specialized in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Hot Stones massage, Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, Prenatal Massage, and Ashiatsu Bar Therapy reaching the 6-figure income annually following the course guidelines.
Val has branched out her practice as a NCBTMB CE's Approved Provider #1383 in Business and Marketing, and since 2014, has taught this course in 1:1 private sessions and groups in break-out sessions in the US and Canada.
“Studying the Science of Getting Rich with Val and my awareness has increased tremendously! I have expanded how I think about myself and the world around me in so many ways! I now understand that I have an unlimited power within me to be able to think and do anything I set my mind to. I am continuously learning and enjoying my results very much because I get to have fun with my mind.”
Binta Jarju, New Orleans - LA
“Val has been an incredibly positive influence in my life since we met in January 2015, she is an all around amazing person.”
Aimée Huto, New York, NY
“This journey Val has taken on is just filled with pots of gold. Self-assured, inspired and deeply knowledgeable, she has me exploring new territories and loving it. If you have a chance to work with her and have big expectation for yourself and your career, you won’t be disappointed.”
Marie DiTu, Montreal, CN