New Jersey Massage Continuing Education - Craniosacral Integration
Craniosacral Integration, Module I
with Annette Joubert, LMT
8 credits, 9:30-6:00pm, $200.00
for all dates visit the Listing of Courses by Subject
Course Difficulty Level Beginner
Craniosacral Therapy is a whole-body hand on application of gentle palpation, traction, compression, and rocking. With this modality you can relieve or “release” the stress and restrictions that may impair nervous system function. Dr. Sutherland, an Osteopath in the 1950’s was the father of craniosacral therapy in the United States. It was designed as a systematic approach gentle touch to bring balance to the central nervous system. Craniosacral work is not a diagnosis. It is a way to listen to the patient body and optimize functional movement with little force. During a session the body is free to move into new space and increase range of motion. Patients enjoy a calming experience. The subtle movements and relaxation assist the body’s natural self-correcting mechanism.
This work is intended for adult patients only. This module I introduces the massage therapist to the application of craniosacral techniques at a basic level of palpation and assessment.
Learning Outcomes: Practitioners upon completion of this module will be able to incorporate craniosacral techniques from a holistic approach and be able to utilize protocols of both Dr. Upledger and Hugh Milne into a massage session.
- Learning Objectives:
- Describe the anatomy and physiology of the CranioSacral System
- Understand the biomechanics (physics) of CranioSacral techniques
- Identify and practice palpation of the cranial motion/dynamic
- Evaluate CranioSacral motion at multiple sites on the body.
- Perform protocols from published works of Dr. Upledger
- Utilize methods as described in Hugh Milnes book The Heart of Listening.
- Acknowledge indications, precautions and contraindications for CranioSacral Therapy.
- Create a proficient protocol for treatment.
- Integrate the CranioSacral techniques demonstrated in lab into a therapeutic massage session.