New Jersey Massage Continuing Education - Cardiac Patient Massage Training
Cardiac Patient Massage Training
with Dr. Toni LaSala, Ph.D., LM
8 credits, 9:30-6:00pm, $200.00
for all dates visit the Listing of Courses by Subject
With heart disease at an all time high and a major cause of death in the U.S., understanding the in’s and out’s of this condition is of great importance to the massage profession. A healthy recovery from heart trauma and cardiovascular surgery can include a great massage from a therapist that is well trained and sensitive to his client’s special needs.
Dr. Toni will give you the specific training needed to understand your client’s pre and post operative condition and will explore all the aspects of performing a comforting, therapeutic, non-invasive massage for physical and emotional healing. A review of cardiac anatomy and physiology including coronary artery blockages, bypass surgery, valve replacement, angioplasty, cardiac catheterization, and cardiac stents, pace makers, heart attack (myocardial infarction), angina, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and hypertension will be thoroughly reviewed.
In addition this comprehensive class will go over the indications and contra-indications, how to handle home, hospital and re-hab visits, the legal aspects, specific positioning, use of ice and heat and how to integrate various therapies in the massage session.