New Jersey Massage Continuing Education - Ethics
Ethics Before, During and After the Massage Therapy Session
with Larry Heisler, M.A., LMT
Dariana Pajuelohh-Gonzales, LMT
4 hours, 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM, 4 credits, $100
for all dates visit the Listing of Courses by Subject
All therapists understand that ethics rules are for the purpose of honoring our professional client-therapist interactions.
Join us as we take you through the ins and outs of professional ethics for our massage therapy profession.
We all need to know this crucial information about how we practice ethically and legally.
This class addresses ethics from the client’s first phone call, through the session, and beyond.
It includes: the intake form, informed consent, contraindications, respecting the client and yourself, client emotions,
power differential, how to handle sexual energy, confidentiality, session notes, and more.
Our courses satisfy the requirements for Ethics in your individual state, as well as, the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork's and your professional organizations, AMTA or ABMP.
I am glad I can take home such useful & important information. Thank you!! — Anonymous LMT
Very good class, especially when you think you know it all! — Rosa Ramirez, LMT
Great class- covered many gray areas. Teacher was excellent and enjoyable. — LMT
with Larry Heisler, M.A., LMT
Dariana Pajuelohh-Gonzales, LMT
4 hours, 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM, 4 credits, $100
for all dates visit the Listing of Courses by Subject
All therapists understand that ethics rules are for the purpose of honoring our professional client-therapist interactions.
Join us as we take you through the ins and outs of professional ethics for our massage therapy profession.
We all need to know this crucial information about how we practice ethically and legally.
This class addresses ethics from the client’s first phone call, through the session, and beyond.
It includes: the intake form, informed consent, contraindications, respecting the client and yourself, client emotions,
power differential, how to handle sexual energy, confidentiality, session notes, and more.
Our courses satisfy the requirements for Ethics in your individual state, as well as, the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork's and your professional organizations, AMTA or ABMP.
I am glad I can take home such useful & important information. Thank you!! — Anonymous LMT
Very good class, especially when you think you know it all! — Rosa Ramirez, LMT
Great class- covered many gray areas. Teacher was excellent and enjoyable. — LMT